
Attendees can book their accommodations at a number of locations in and near Delft. A more complete overview of accommodations is available here.



Most hotels in Delft are walking distance from the conference site, or a few minutes with the bus.

There are also options in nearby cities:


For the following hotels, we recommend the RET bus line 40 (between Rotterdam Centraal and TU Aula, 35 min ride)

With the same RET bus line 40, the following hotel is closer (between Blijdorpplein and TU Aula, 25 min ride)


The RET bus line 55 is direct for the following B&B (between Raadhuisplein and TU Aula, 15 min ride)

and the following hotels (between Zoetermeer Station and TU Aula, 25 min ride)

The Hague

For the following hotel, take a train from The Hague Central Station (Den Haag Centraal) to Delft Station, then a bus (see the list here) to the conference center.


For the following hotels, take a train from Rijswijk Station to Delft Station, then a bus (see the list here) to the conference center.


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